Isolation Room

In the UK, Channel 4 is running a documentary series called Educating Yorkshirefollowing students and teachers at Thornhill Community Academy.

Thornhill is one of a few schools I’ve heard of adopting an innovative new punishment for unruly students: the isolation room, or iso room as it is unaffectionately known. Remind you of anything?

Isolation room at Thornhill Academy

Below is a standard ACE learning centre. These “offices” are where all students study their PACEs, regardless of whether they’ve been naughty or not. Compare and contrast:

Accelerated Christian Education/ School of Tomorrow learning centerHaving studied the two images, the only difference I can see is that, if he were in an ACE school, the kid on the right in the top photo would get a demerit for turning around in his seat.

About jonnyscaramanga

I grew up as a Christian fundamentalist in the UK. Now I am writing a book and blog about what that's like, and what fundamentalists believe.

Posted on October 8, 2013, in Accelerated Christian Education, Education, Faith Schools, Fundamentalism, School of Tomorrow and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Pfft, they’re obviously completely different. The ace school has colourful pictures in their cubicles after all!

  2. *Shiver* I know your work is a service, but I was not prepared for all the memories this would dredge up. Not good ones, at that.

  3. That was my first thought looking at only the top photo. The study carrell was the rage in how to do work for a very long time. Then it was acknowledged that working as a group is actually a better way to learn. Amazing how ideas that were once understood as a public good are now used as punishments.

  4. Looking at this turns my stomach…to think that I unwittingly unleashed this on my daughter. So glad I pulled her out after one semester.

  5. Just to add, as a state school teacher, that internal isolation rooms are pretty much standard in secondaries now. Many have the dividers. Some don’t.

  6. Cubicles may offer a distraction free environment during solitary class work which could help my easily distracted child- but this is not how the ones in her school are used- pupils in them are not allowed to talk to another pupil- only the teacher in charge for the whole day. If they need the toilet they are accompanied and their lunch is placed on the table in front of then- they dont get a lunch break- this is not something I could handle and I am an adult- mow can a kid- let alone one with ADHD cope with it? Answer- she cant she walks out of school

  1. Pingback: Adventures in ACE I: In Which Oddities Are Explored » En Tequila Es Verdad

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