Media blitz

This blog is not dead. I’ve just been busy making some things happen in the real world.

Tomorrow, I will be appearing on the Jeremy Vine Show on BBC Radio 2 for a live interview. This is the biggest show on British radio. There will also be a live phone-in (0500 288291; email; twitter @thejeremyvine/ @bbcradio2). It would be awesome to have other ex-students or people with relevant knowledge calling in. The show’s on air from 12; please make your voice heard if you have time (and that goes for people who disagree too; the show is all about debate).

About jonnyscaramanga

I grew up as a Christian fundamentalist in the UK. Now I am writing a book and blog about what that's like, and what fundamentalists believe.

Posted on June 11, 2014, in Accelerated Christian Education, Education and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. That’s really good to hear, good luck!

    I was getting a bit worried, this is my favourite blog and I was getting withdrawal symptoms. I will try to listen in if I get the chance at work.

  2. Jonny, I miss your blog posts but I know you are now off spreading the news on home schooling in much larger venues. Congratulations! I wish you continuing exposure and impact. Perhaps you will help change things significantly.

  3. Any fundamentalist movement should be banned. Whilst the training method of sitting between divided desks is good, it prevents teachers seeing a child’s face to see if they are struggling. The carmel Christian Centre in Bristol uses this system, the children were nor able to express themselves or be themselves. If you questioned you were thought trouble. If anyone left church they were ignored. It’s a church split between two. The fanatics who like their cult, the normals not in it. Yet the pastor appeals powerless

  4. Jonny I’m sat here listening to Radio 2 for the first time in my life and still waiting for you to come one. In the mean time I found this: Its great how much mainstream recognition you are getting for your campaign.

    • Thanks Claire for the news link. It was a very good article and featured Jonny well. I also looked at the video of little Jonny; somehow I missed it before. He was an excellent communicator even at 12 years old!

  5. This is taking serious dedication! I’m now having to listen to Phil Collins! The worst part is that it will probably get stuck in my head and I will be singing it under my breath all day.

    • It was worth the wait, your points came across well and the ACE supporters didn’t do a very good job of countering them.

  6. AnonyACEPupil

    Wow, just read your piece on the BBC website, I’m sorry I missed the Radio phone in. Went to an ACE school in Fleetwood from ages 4-16, basically most of my schooling and looking back on it now it was very strange (I’m 33 now). Brings back a lot of stuff I forgot about and made adjusting to normal life very difficult when I went to sixth form and beyond. Consider myself much more adjusted nowadays but had to go through a difficult period of rejecting a lot of the teaching I went through before realising how much they tried to indoctrinate you with frankly, a lot of right-wing racist, homophobic and generally disturbing views amongst some areas which you might consider to be a decent enough life code.

    Whilst an an individual level there were a lot of nice people there and some supportive teachers and I do value some of the self-determination to drive my own learning and education, some aspects of it I consider I had a very narrow escape. Especially considering one of my teachers who was there for a long-time went to prison for child abuse, another was having regular under-age relationships with students and many of the staff had no qualifications of any sort at all. Very interesting the uproar around these schools in Birmingham when you consider them in the light of something like this.

  7. Hi Jonny,I heard you on the Jeremy Vine radio show today,and it was nice to hear that even though you had been exposed to the ACE system at a young age you’ve turned out to be a well rounded and intelligent individual.
    It’s beyond belief that these schools still operate here in the UK,and even more unbelievable that they can be passed fit by ofsted,and the idea that parental and religious rights outweigh the right of a child to have a decent education is just plain wrong.

  8. Hi Jonny,
    Sorry I missed your tv debate, busy taking care of my family, but heard about it today. My name is Annie, I have been at Carmel since Oct.1996. I remember you had a talent for guitar.
    Many people have come and gone over the years, yet I am 100% biased, love Pastor Gerri,
    love the school, love the multiracial family, love how much help both my sons received, both were at ACE school in Bristol. I am sorry for the direction that your life has taken, it is all about choices. Many of the ACE school children from this school are now in university or heading there. Secular fundamentalism has created a spiritual vacuum in our nation, which has allowed the situation in Birmingham to arise. British values are founded on God’s Word.

What do you think?